Intent statement
At Blakehill Primary School we strive to excite, inspire and nurture young scientists, improve their attainment and raise their achievement in the process. Our belief is that the best science curriculum is one that allows children to thrive through a combination of written and practical work. We aim to provide children with opportunities which enhances their enthusiasm for science and hopefully inspires them to explore this subject further as they progress through school. We want our children to be naturally curious about the world around them. We want our children to broaden their minds by understanding why everything we experience in life happens the way it does. We are motivated by the desire for all children to leave Blakehill with the knowledge and skills to know they are able to pursue science as far they desire.
Science at Blakehill provides children with access to a high-quality, enriching science curriculum using the ‘Science Bug’ scheme of work and other resources. Lessons are delivered by class teachers who are provided with online resources, CPD opportunities and all the physical resources required to ensue lessons are fun, engaging and practical focussed. To enable subject leads to continually drive the subject forward, leaders frequently seek to widen their knowledge by exploring online forums and engaging in online courses. Here they seek best practise, new developments and ideas in the subject to allow science at Blakehill to keep improving.
Scientific enquiry skills are embedded within each topic and these topics are developed throughout their time at school. Our long-term-plans show a clear progression of how a topic starts in Key Stage One and develops throughout Key Stage Two. This allows children to grow in their understanding, develop their prior knowledge and continuously increase their enthusiasm for Science.
Science at Blakehill ensures children are given a chance to embrace rich learning experiences:
- Prepare our children for life in an increasingly scientific and technological world whilst preparing them for future life.
- Support our children in acquiring a growing understanding of nature, processes and methods of scientific ideas.
- Help develop and extend our children’s scientific understanding/concept of the world.
- We aim to encourage children to work scientifically with an open mind whilst self-assessing persevering and developing their understanding of investigation.
- Children should be able to make links between science and other subjects.
Children are Blakehill progressively acquire, use and apply an ever-growing bank of scientific vocabulary and apply this to scientific enquiry/investigation. Pupil voice is carried out through the year which provides honest feedback form the children about what they enjoy and what they would hope for from future science lessons.
The intended impact is for our children to experience a rich, engaging science curriculum where lessons pass quickly as they are constantly thinking. The impact of our science curriculum is that our pupils thoroughly enjoy learning through practical and written opportunities. This is apparent within the pupil voice and this demonstrates the confidence and enjoyment children get from the subject which is consistent throughout KS1 and KS2. Our children demonstrate their resilience and confidence in problem solving and investigative work. Opportunities for scientific enquiry are provided in lessons through individual and group tasks which provide chances for collaborative working and allow children to share their understanding and knowledge with their peers.
Our pupils’ will have the ability to share their learning and understanding as well as general passion for the subject. We judge the success of our science curriculum on this and their academic success.