

Hello Everyone and Welcome to RP!
It has been wonderful to meet our new children and their parents at our Welcome Sessions and our first group of children are now in school full time. Please see our 'Autumn Term' page showing photos of what we have been up to. Please also keep checking these pages as we will be updating them regularly. We are delighted that our children have settled into school so well, despite all the uncertainty in these strange times. As a school we have worked hard to put into place all the necessary hygiene and safety measures and we really appreciate all your support. Please be assured that we are doing all we can to ensure that our children feel safe, happy and confident in school. 
Could we please ask that all children have a Book Bag for when they start school full time. These will be used to bring home reading books, reading records, homework tasks and letters providing information. Please check your child's book bag each day for any correspondence from school. 

Reading Books

Children all have a reading diary and reading book which will come home in their book bag each day. Please note, your child will only be able to take a book home if they have their book bag in school. We encourage children to read at home each night. When your child has read at home can you sign and date their diary and write a comment so that we know how they are finding their reading at home. When children have had their diary signed at home they receive a sticker in school which they can then put onto their reading sticker chart.  When 35 stickers have been collected children will receive a certificate in assembly.

Hygiene Routines
As a result of Covid-19, we will be following government guidance to keep pupils and adults as safe as possible in school. This will include: staggered start and end times; virtual assemblies; pupils remaining in year group bubbles and pupils being reminded to wash and sanitise their hands regularly. 


Outdoor PE takes place every Friday morning. Following the guidance provided regarding COVID, PE lessons will be delivered outdoors as much as possible. At the present time we are asking you to ensure your child comes to school dressed ready for PE on the Friday. They will not need to bring their uniform to change into on this day. 

As we approach Autumn we are heading into the cooler months, therefore all children will need long navy jogging bottoms, a white PE T-shirt and a warm black or blue jumper/zip-up hoodie to keep them warm throughout the winter months. Children will also need suitable trainers too, please make sure these are velcro fastening rather than laces. 

 Please note: Your child will need to come dressed in their PE clothes every Friday from Friday 25th September 2020.



Entry / Exit procedures

It is important that pupils arrive at school on time and we would ask that all pupils in Reception are in our playground and ready to come into school at 8.45am. Please bear with us at the end of the day, 3:15pm, as we see pupils out. Please also let us know if your child is being collected by a different adult or is attending extra club. 

Please see ‘A Guide for Parents’, sent via email by Mrs. Keighley, for more information regarding the arrangements for Reception drop offs and pick ups.