

Hello Everyone and Welcome to RS!


We are delighted to welcome you to Blakehill Primary School. Please keep checking these pages to keep up to date with all that is happening in Reception. Our Autumn term page and half term plan will provide you with all the information you need about what we are currently learning. 


In RS your class teacher is Miss Stocks and your Teaching Assistant is Miss Hart. In RD Miss Dickinson is the class teacher and Mrs Lister is the Teaching Assistant. We also have Mrs Spivey in Reception to help and work with us. 



Children should come to school in the correct uniform every day. Trainers are not part of the school uniform and should only be worn on PE days. In Reception, we spend a lot of time learning outside so your child needs to bring a coat to school every day. We also ask that your child has a pair of wellies in school so they are able to access our woodland area and mud kitchen.


Could we please ask that all children have a Book Bag for when they start school full time. These will be used to bring home reading books, reading records, homework tasks and letters providing information. Please check your child's book bag each day for any correspondence from school.



PE takes place every Friday morning. Children are to come to school every Friday in their school PE kit.


Water bottles and Snack

Your child will need to bring a named water bottle to school daily. This will be sent home at the end of each day. They will be able to access this throughout the school day when they wish.


Fresh fruit and milk will be available at snack time each day for your child. In Reception, children sit down together part way through morning for their snack.


Please make sure all your child's clothing, including coat, and other items (water bottle, book bag, lunch box, wellies) are clearly named and your child knows what their belonging look like.


Reading Books

Once all children have settled in school, they will bring home a picture book to share with you from the school library. This will need to be brought back to school every Friday so that they can change it. When our phonics teaching is underway your child will begin to bring home simple books to read themselves. Please note, your child will only be able to take a book home if they have their book bag in school. We encourage children to read at home each night. When your child has read at home can you sign and date their diary and write a comment so that we know how they are finding their reading at home. When children have had their diary signed at home they receive a sticker in school which they can then put onto their reading sticker chart.  When 35 stickers have been collected children will receive a certificate in assembly.


Entry / Exit procedures

It is important that pupils arrive at school on time and we would ask that all pupils in Reception are in the KS1 playground and ready to come into school at 8.45am. Please bear with us at the end of the day, 3:15pm, as we see pupils out. Please also let us know if your child is being collected by a different adult or is attending Night Owls.