
Autumn Term

In science, we have started the year off by learning about our digestive system. In lesson 1 we discovered and looked at the main parts of the digestive system. In our second lesson, we played 'Ready, Steady, Digest' where the children took a banana and chocolate sandwich through the different stages in the digestive system. Most of the children enjoyed this lesson!
Experiment number 2. 
Today, we spoke about our experiences at the dentist and what we can do to make sure we keep our teeth healthy. In our experiment we looked at how effective 4 different types of toothpaste was at removing plaque. We recorded our results and we were all surprised! The children timed how long it took the toothpaste to remove the marker pen.
4SJ playtime buddies.
After a successful application these children have been selected to be playtime buddies. Their job is to help children when they don't know how to play, tidy the equipment away and make sure everyone has a happy playtime.
 Nell bank
Here are some things you may wish to look prior to our visit to Nell Bank. 
Nell bank website - Click here
Dormitories - Click here 
Activities - Click here 
We are also asking that children bring a torch as we might have a walk around Nell Bank in the dark!
 If you have any further questions please contact Mr Sugden. 
Today in RE, we looked at the story of Guru Hargobind. We then compare this story to the story to the story of Hanukkah, the children came to the conclusion that light and freedom were two common themes. We then looked at what the work freedom means to us and why we are grateful for it. 
In PE we looked at a triple jump. This is a jump which is hard to master but in 4SJ we were all using the correct technique and really enjoyed the challenge of this lesson.
Today in Geography, the children researched the river Daunbe and the river Aire. The children wrote down some key facts for each river including their source, end point, how long they are, the places they travel through and where they are located. They then compared their facts by putting them into a Venn diagram. Everyone really enjoyed this lesson as they conducted their research on iPad's.   
Practical Maths.
Today in  maths, we had a consolidation lesson where we create our own 4-digit number add another 4-digit number which we may need some exchanging. The children then worked their way around the classroom answering other children's questions. We then went back to our tables where we played the roll of the teacher and marked our answers. 
In English, we have started a new book called The Tin Forrest. Today, the children sequenced images from the text which they then used to retell the story where they had to remember the key parts. We also discussed the use of colour in the book, the book stars with dull colours but as the story goes on and emotions begin to change the pages become more colourfull.