- "It is about keeping your body safe".
- "PSHE is about looking after your body".
- "You learn about food – there is a healthy side and an unhealthy side".
- "Body language. For example, if your head is down, it means you are sad".
What do you learn about in PSHE lessons?
- "Our bodies".
- "Harold the Giraffe! He helps understand how to deal with out feelings".
- "Food and diet. We know which foods we need for a balanced lifestyle".
- "Families and valuing differences".
- "How to safely use social media".
- "Medicines – How to take them safely and who will administer them to us".
- "How to control yourself and manage feelings using the Zones of Regulation".
Do you think PSHE is an important subject?
- "It helps us keep in the green zone and teaches us how to deal with emotions such as feeling upset or angry".
- "Yes to help keep our bodies safe and healthy".
- "Yes it teaches us to be clean, healthy and respectful towards others".
- "Very! It helps you to regulated and understand how to control your own emotions and how to help your friends".
- "Yes because if you don’t know how to deal with your feelings then you won’t be able to learn and help make others feel better".