
Effect of Funding on PE Participation

Statement of Impact

Physical education contributes directly to development of physical competence and fitness at Blakehill Primary School. It also helps pupils to make informed choices and understand the value of leading a physically active lifestyle. The high quality physical education we offer has a positive impact on both academic learning and physical activity patterns of our pupils. We believe that a healthy, physically active pupil is more likely to be academically motivated, alert and successful in life skills. Through the government Primary Sports premium, we are able to provide the following for our children:


Wider sporting opportunities for all children, including, tri-golf, ultimate Frisbee, cross country, tag rugby and multi-skills activities and many more. 


Specialised curriculum teaching in every year group.


Additional after school sports for a variety of year groups.


Every year group has the chance to participate in a sporting festival against other schools and receives additional specialist teaching in preparation for the festivals.


Additional equipment purchased enables more focused skill development. A whole class set of equipment ensures maximum participation.


Through membership to the East 1 Partnership (15 primaries and 2 upper schools) and The School Games program at Hanson, Pupils at Blakehill have access to much broader opportunity for competition.


Impact of Funding 2023/24

Please see attached school's Primary PE and Sports premium: planning, reporting and evaluating website tool for the schools evaluation of the 2023/24 spend and proposed spend for the 2024/24 academic year.

At Blakehill Primary School, our PE Leader is Mr James Sugden. Mr Sugden is a class teacher with leadership and management responsibility for Physical Education.

Mr Mathew Lumb is the school's Sports and Personal Development Officer. He was appointed in 2022 with the central aim of increasing participation and opportunity in sport and personal development activities for all children

Mr Ryan Hargreaves is the school's PE Coach. He delivers specialism PE to all classes across school.  

 Teaching assistants support lunchtime supervisors in promoting play and positive interaction. Training continues to be provided via our sports and personal development coach. Pupil voice influences provision at lunchtime and resources have been purchased and are rotated throughout the year at the request and interest of our children.  

 We are a school where sport and PE are very high profile. We actively seek and promote PS excellence for all with an extensive and wide ranging offer of activities, opportunities and experiences. These include: 

Visits and residentials

Extra-curricular provision

Forest Schools

Commando Joe Curriculum

Participation in competitions, festivals and events ( inter, intra, regional and national)

 Additional support provided for pupils in Swimming: Our dedicated Sports UK Coach has been providing additional support and tuition for pupils in  Year 4 during their weekly swimming lessons. By using our coach, we have been able to allow pupils who lack confidence in the water the opportunity to be supported by a familiar adult and have a bespoke program. This has supported our pupils in making progress that would have otherwise taken much longer. 


226 attended at least one extra curricular club from September to July last academic year 

  • Held in house competition such as the cross-country events, girls & boys football matches, basketball matches and dance and cheerleading performances.
  • All competitions are celebrated in school. There was also an increase in the number of children bringing sporting certificates, medals and trophies into school on a Monday morning which are shared during celebration assembly.
  • As a school we have been successful in a range of competitions where we have represented Bradford. We won a wide range of competitions such as Year 3 Golf, Year 4 Cricket, Year 5 Netball, Olympics Athletics competition, U11 Bradford Schools Football, KS1 & KS2 Tag Rugby, KS2 Rounders. We also attended other unique competitions such as Climbing, Badminton, SEND Panathlon, more able, Girls Football and Girls Cricket competitions.
- Assessment and evaluation of PE lessons improved: by supplying our Sports UK Coach with technology and additional time to assess and evaluate practice, we have been able to improve the quality of the provision in PE for our pupils. Our sports Coach records lessons through video footage and photographs in order to allow: pupils to evaluate their own and others performance; a big outcome to be recorded and assessed by the coach; a progression of skills to be highlighted and shared with pupils and leaders and modelling for lessons later in the sequence of learning.