
Spring Term

Snow day!
I bet you are all excited to get out and have some fun in the snow, if you do and would like to send in some pictures then you can via the office email. 
Here are some tasks for you to have a go at, if you are able, in and around time spent having fun in the snow. 
Maths - LO: To use factor pairs. 
Lesson slides Click here (optional)
Lesson video Click here
Maths task - this can be printed, answers could be written on some paper or answers could be discussed with an older sibling or adult. Maths task.
English - LO: To use the correct tense. 
All teaching materials can be found here  
Reading - LO: To understand the layout of non-fiction texts 
All teaching materials can be found here
If you have any spare time you can:
-Hit the button - you could challenge an older sibling or an adult!
-Spelling practice - adding verb and adjective suffixes click here. 
-Topic - create an information text about WW2. 
7/1 Snow Day 
Maths - LO: To know how to round to the nearest thousand, hundred and ten. Watch here
English - LO: To know how to punctuate speech. Watch here
Spelling practise 'shun' spelling. Watch here.
Reading - LO: To know how to retrieve information from non-fiction texts. Watch here
Optional tasks 
If you have any spare time you can:
-Hit the button - you could challenge an older sibling or an adult!
-Topic - create and label a diagram about the water cycle. Can you remember the while process?
English - LO: To write an introduction to a information text about the digestive system. 
Today you are going to be looking at the digestive system and starting to write an information text. Your first job is to write an introduction. Watch here.
Reading - LO: To answer retrieval and inference questions. 
Watch the lesson videos and completed the exit quiz. Watch here
Maths - LO: To multiply by 10. 
We are moving onto long multiplication when we are back in school and being able to multiply by 10 is something which needs to be secure. Watch the video and have a go at completing the task. You could discuss this with an older sibling or with a grown up. Watch video hereTask.
Topic - LO: To name, group and identify common appliances that run off electricity. 
This is the start of our new unit in science. Watch the lesson and have a go at the exit quiz. 

Challenge - Could you list all the eclectic appliances in your house and then sort them into 2 categories - mains operated and battery operated.
9/1 English – LO: To write the main body of an information text.

Watch the video here and complete exit quiz.

9/1 Reading – LO: To retrieve information.

Watch the video here and complete the exit quiz.

9/1 Maths – To know how to multiply by 100.

Watch the video (click here for video) and have a go at completing the task (click here for task)


Optional tasks 
If you have any spare time you can:
-Hit the button - you could challenge an older sibling or an adult!
10/1 English - LO: To know how to write the main body of an information text. 
Watch the video and have a go at the exit quiz. Click here. 
10/1 Reading - LO: To understand the characters and setting for The Borrowers.
Watch the video and have a go at the exit quiz. Click here. 

10/1 Maths – LO: To use related multiplication and division facts.

Watch the video here. 

Click here for the task. 


10/1 Spelling - LO: To spell common homophones. 

Watch the video and have a go at the exit task. Click here. 


Optional tasks 
If you have any spare time you can:
-Hit the button - you could challenge an older sibling or an adult!
Today we experimented with making circuits! We found what did and didn’t work in a circuit as well as what would make a bulb brighter or dimmer!
In music we have been writing and performing our own anti-bullying raps!