
Enrichment Opportunities

Enrichment Opportunities 
Curriculum enrichment is a really important part of our curriculum offer here at Blakehill Primary School. We hold whole school Mathematics days where pupils are invited to wear non-uniform, including spots, shapes and numbers. Teachers plan a wide variety of different fun, interactive activities. This has included 'The Riddle of the Sphinx', a problem solving exercise focusing on exploring all things Egyptian and NSPCC's Number Day. Here is a snap shot of what took place.

Mathematics around Blakehill Primary School
Each year group has a Mathematics display board around school to highlight the amazing learning taking place in classrooms. These displays also help to 'raise the profile' of Mathematics and how important it is in our daily lives. Each class also has a Mathematics working wall which tracks the journey of their lessons over a teaching block. These are updated regularly and are designed to support the children in their learning. Here is just a snapshot of some of our children's' amazing work.

Our pupils' amazing work 
Here is a snapshot of some of our work.
Here is a snapshot of some of our lessons. 

Cross-curricular links
At Blakehill Primary School, we link Mathematics to other subjects. Here is a snapshot of some of our lessons.
Here is a snapshot of some of our lessons.