
Enrichment opportunities

Enriching our curriculum 
To enrich our curriculum, we take opportunities reinforce learning and geographical issues in other subject areas. We harness opportunities to plan focused learning weeks, residential visits and school trips. This gives our children a chance for hands on learning and widens their geographical experiences thus awareness. 
We have installed a world map on our corridor to help embed the model and image of what our planet looks like. It includes flag and key lines so that our children are always exposed to important geographical knowledge. 
Purposeful Fieldwork 
To explore purposeful use of fieldwork, we investigated an environmental focus through school such as recycling or habitats around school. We combined this learning with statistics week. This meant that we could develop our use of fieldwork and what we found to present them as graphs and charts. Some year groups also combined the use of a text in English. 
Have a look at other ways which we celebrate and embed fieldwork skills.
Environmental responsibility 
Throughout school we harness the opportunity to develop our children as responsible citizens and in the current climate, we feel that developing a sense of global responsibility is important. We have therefore enhanced opportunities presented by PSHE, Oracy and even Spanish to consider this. 
Please have a look at other ways in which we celebrate Geography in school through our displays.