
How you can help at home

On this page there are some links and ideas you can use to support your child at home.

The best way to support your child at home is practise that is little and often. We would hope your child is reading daily for 15/20 minutes at home and ideally with an adult. That way they can talk about what they have read and show an understanding of it. 


Your child also gets 10 spellings per week which are tested on a Friday. Short, daily practise of these will be most beneficial.

Spellings can be practised using a range of the below strategies.  

You could also find the relevant section on Spelling Frame using the link below. 
An example of how the rules are broken down can be seen below. 
Here are the Statuory Spellings for Years 1,2,3 & 4 that children should be able to spell by the end of Lower Key Stage 2. (Along with the other spelling rules) 

For maths, the main focus in Year 4 is learning all of their times tables up to 12 x 12. TT Rockstars is one way of practising this  along with other online websites such as Hit The Button. Please see the Times Tables section on 4H for more detail.

On there, you can also practise key number facts such as adding within 10 & 20. Becoming fluent in these is extremely beneficial for your child. If they already are, they could try moving on to number bonds to 50 and 100. 

KIRFs are tested weekly in school and can also be practised at home.


Optional termly projects can also be completed
Termly Projects 
Each term there will be a project to have a go at out. 
Autumn Term's WW2 
There was no project in Spring due to lockdown. 
The will be a Summer one on the way.