
Home Learning - Snow Day

Good Morning! 
Today we would like you to spend time making lots of happy memories whether that’s braving the cold to play in the snow or staying cosy inside! We have added some activities linked to the learning we have completed in school so far for you to have try.
Activity 1:
Whilst outside think about everything you can see around you. If you’re staying inside look out of your window. Can you identify things that we can see outside in winter? Think how some things change as the seasons change. Think about the colours of the season and create a drawing of things that you can see on a winter walk or from your window.
Activity 2:
Can you make a snow sculpture, perhaps something different to a snowman? We would love you to get creative, could you add food colouring/paint to the snow to create your design?
Activity 3
Can you create your own snow science experiment? Can you collect a handful of snow and put it in a bowl? Do this four times. Put one bowl in the kitchen, one bowl in the fridge, one bowl close to a heater and leave one bowl outside. Can you predict what will happen to the snow in each bowl? Ask a grown up to write down your predictions. Wait 20 mins and then go and look in your bowls. What has happened? Were you correct? 
Tuesday 7th January
Goodness me, another snow day! I have been told it is very icy around our school so I am very glad that we can stay safely at home today. Whilst you are at home please continue to have a go at our creative activities if you haven't already. 
Yesterday, I tried another winter activity which you might enjoy too if you have any extra time? I gathered signs of winter such as leaves, twigs and berries from our winter walk. I then arranged the items in a plastic tub. I poured in water and finally added a loop of ribbon to hang over the edge of the tub. I popped the tub in the freezer for the rest of the day. Yesterday evening I got it out and I had created a winter ice decoration. I used the ribbon to hang it from my tree outside. 
Today I will be making some more but this time I am going to add different food colouring to the tubs. Maybe you could have a go at this today? It is lots of fun. 

Thursday 9th January and Friday 10th January


Project Dinosaur!!!


Hi Reception,

Whilst we are not all together we thought it might be nice to set you a little optional learning project to complete over the next couple of days. Our next topic is Dinosaurs. We are going to be reading stories and finding out all about dinosaurs.

Whilst you are at home can you have a go at finding out some information about dinosaurs. You can display your learning in any way you want. You might like to draw or paint a picture, you might write some words or ask a grown up to write down some of you ideas. You might prefer to video yourself telling your facts and send the video to school. If you are feeling super creative you might even try to make your own dinosaur model? We would love to see your learning so either send some photos into school or bring your learning in on Monday and we can share it with the class.


We can’t wait to see what you have done.


Love from Miss Dickinson, Miss Stocks and the Reception Team

Phonics Activities 
Phase 2 segmenting and blending game:
Click the start button and choose a word set and difficulty level.
(Start with set 1-3 before adding 4 and then 5. Set difficulty level as easy.)
To play, read the word in the cloud at the top of the screen and look at the picture cards moving along the bottom of the screen from right to left. Fish for the correct card by clicking the top of the picture that matches the word in the cloud. If you are correct, the cloud shows a new word. 
Click on the link below to open the game.
Winter Word Building:
Look at the pictures below. Can your write a word to match the picture?
Challenge: Can you write one of the words in a short caption? Remember to use finger spaces!
For enlarged pictures, a printable document  and answers please open the file below. 
Phonics - Tuesday 7th January 
If you haven't already, have a go at the game and yesterday's writing task.
Today we have some sentences that have been mixed up. Have a go at reading the words. You may want to write the words on separate pieces of paper. Have a go at putting the words in the right order to build a sentence that makes sense. 
Can you copy out the sentences making sure you have finger spaces in the correct places?
Can you spot the capital letter? What sound does it make? What is the letter name?
Can you spot the full stop?
Wednesday  8th January

Listen to the tricky word song.
What tricky words can you hear? Listen to the tricky word song. What tricky words can you hear? Listen to the tricky word song. What tricky words can you hear?
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Which tricky words can you see?
Which part of each word is tricky?
Can you put the tricky words below in a sentence verbally?

Activity 1: Make your own flashcards

Cut a piece of paper into rectangles.

Write a different tricky word on each piece of paper from the list above.

Use the flashcards to practice the tricky words that we have learnt in school.

Activity 2: Make your own role and read

Ask an adult to help you draw a grid like the one below.

In each square write a different tricky word from the list above.

Give each row a number from 1 to 6.

You will then need a dice and a coloured pencil.

Roll the dice and read the tricky word.

If you get it correct, colour in the box. If not, roll again and read the word on the corresponding row.

Keep rolling and reading along the rows until all the tricky words are coloured in.
Maths Activities

Can you begin your maths learning today by singing the Five Little Monkeys rhyme?

Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed

One fell down and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"


Four little monkeys jumping on the bed

One fell down and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"


Three little monkeys jumping on the bed

One fell down and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"


Two little monkeys jumping on the bed

One fell down and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"


One little monkey jumping on the bed

He fell down and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"


No little monkeys jumping on the bed

None fell down to bump their head

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said

"Put those monkeys back into bed!"

Subitising to 5:
What is subitising?
Subitising is when you look at a set and say how many you can see without counting.
Can you subitise how many snowflakes are on each card as they flash up below?
Maths - Tuesday 7th January
Today can you sing the monkeys song again? This time could you choose five soft toys to represent the monkeys. Whilst you sing the rhyme can you use the toys? Each time one one monkey bumps his head can you remove it and count out the remaining toys with your adult. Perhaps you could even write down the numeral to show how many toys are left on the bed each time? 
Could you make a maths game today? You will need twelve pieces of paper and some coloured pens and pencils. On six of the cards write numerals 0-5 ( one numeral per piece of paper). On the other six cards use your colours and draw monkeys. With your drawings, draw one monkey on one piece, two on the next and so on all the way to five monkeys. You will have one blank sheet of paper left to represent zero. 
When you have prepared your game, can you challenge members of your family to a game? You will need to shuffle the pieces of paper and then lay them face down as a grid on the floor or table. Take it in turns to turn two over. If they are a matching pair you win them but if not you turn them back over for the next turn. The winner is the person with the most matching number pairs when all the pieces have been collected. 
Wednesday 8th January

Today we would like you to continue practising subitising to 5.

Can you remember what subitising is?
Subitising is when you look at a set and say how many you can see without counting.

In the video below you will be shown different pictures.

The first time you watch it shout out how many you see as the pictures appear.

The second time you watch it pause at each picture and have a go at writing the numeral to represent how many you can see. 
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Today we have planned another game for you. This time you need to make six numeral cards, 0-5 (including 0). you can use the ones you made yesterday if you like. Then you need to get a selection of small items you can use to represent numbers with such as lego bricks, dry pasta, small toy figures, coins. You will need at least 15 items. 
First see if you can match an amount with each numeral card. That means, put one item on the card with the 1 numeral, two items on the 2 card and so on. if you can do that, ask your parent to shuffle the cards and give you one at a time out of order. Can you still match a quantity. See how fast you can get at matching numerals and quantity.