

Welcome to 6R
Teaching partner                                                                                       Class Teacher 
Mrs Feather                                                                                                Mrs Russell
Useful reminders: 
- Our school day now starts at 8.50 for the children in Year 6  - please ensure your child arrives in school promptly.
- Our school day now ends at 3.20pm for the children in Year 6. 

We understand that some pupils have mobile phones and that they use these as they walk to and from school on their own. We must stress that mobile phones should be turned off once your child has entered the school grounds. Mobile phones should then be given to a member of staff so that they can be securely put away during the school day and returned at the end of the day.

In Year 6, our PE days are Tuesdays (indoor) and Thursday (outdoor). Please ensure your child has the appropriate PE kit and footwear in school to change into on these days. 
New spellings will be sent home on a Tuesday and tested on the following Monday. These spellings will cover the Year5/6 objectives from the National Curriculum and also the KS2 statutory words. 
Homework will be set on Google Classroom on a Friday for children to complete. This will include work around the KIRFS or arithmetic and SPAG tasks or a reading comprehension. There will be a homework club on a Thursday lunchtime for any pupils who are struggling to access their homework at home or for any children who require any additional support with the tasks set. 
Children should be reading at home at least three times a week - this regular reading will be a huge help for making the expected progress this year. Please ensure you use your child's reading record to include any reading at home so that this can be check in school on a Friday. There will be a reading club on a Friday lunchtime for any pupils who have struggled to read at home through the week or for any who would like an additional opportunity to read with a staff member. 
Congratulations to Martha, who has been elected as our School Councillor. Martha wrote a very passionate and mature manifesto, which really impressed her class members and staff working in 6R. We are looking forward to seeing what the School Council do this year and hearing about it all from Martha.