RP – Birch 4W - Hawthorn
1D – Ash 5G - Lime
1G - Oak 5L - Sycamore
2F – Hazel 6S - Chestnut
2S – Willow 6R - Maple
- The video below explains how to turn in your work from a laptop or PC.
- When opening a document attached to an assignment, please make sure you are still trying to view it using your child’s school account.
- If you can't see any attached documents and you think that you should be able to, try logging out and logging in again.
- Once you have turned in your work, you will be unable to access or edit it until your teacher returns it to you. You can unsubmit your work if you wish to make changes before your teacher sees it.
- Each year group also has their own home learning email address where you can contact your child’s teacher should you have any questions or if you need to submit work in an alternative format. The below email addresses will only be monitored in the event that a class has to self-isolate / school closure. These are:
- receptionhomelearning@blakehillprimary.co.uk
- year1homelearning@blakehillprimary.co.uk
- year2homelearning@blakehillprimary.co.uk
- year3homelearning@blakehillprimary.co.uk
- year4homelearning@blakehillprimary.co.uk
- year5homelearning@blakehillprimary.co.uk
- year6homelearning@blakehillprimary.co.uk
Tap the class and then tap the assignment.
Tap your work.
To attach an item: Tap 'Add attachment'; tap 'Drive, Link, Upload, Take photo, or Record video'. Select the attachment and tap Select.