
Spring Term

Geography school trip: 6N had a great time at Tropical World - learning about tropical rainforests and their importance to our planet. 
Personal, Social and Emotional Development: 6N received a very interesting presentation from the police about Anti-Social-Behaviour Awareness & County Lines, particularly recognising the warning signs associated with grooming.
Maths: 6N surveyed themselves to understand the concept of ratio and proportion
Year 6 residential to Bewerley Park. The children participated in activities designed to develop their resilience, team building and problem solving skills. Canoeing, river walks, rock climbing were ace but the children also improved their life-skills such as making beds and setting the table for breakfast.  They found it challenging but took responsibility for their actions and rose to every challenge.  6N - we are so proud of you! 
Independent Learning Task 

Geography - 6N were challenged to complete an independent learning task on the Amazon Rainforest. It could be on any aspect of the rainforest and they could present it in any way. Look how creative the children were! It was apparent that being creative led to a deep understanding of the subject. 

The police visited to give a talk about assault crime and the consequences of these actions for the victim, the perpetrator and others who may be affected.
In English, we are using the book Freaky Folklore, which includes lots of stories about extraordinary cryptids and monsters.  We worked in groups to research these and then shared our knowledge with other groups.
PSHE: 6N took part in a really useful workshop about Assessment anxiety.  This will help us to prepare for the SATs tests in the coming months.
For Blakehill's 50th anniversary, Year 6 participated in a 70's disco! What a lot of fun!
PSHE: 6N's Values target for Spring 2.  We discussed what EXCELLENCE would look like in school and then set our own target.
World Book Day in 6N was great. I loved the way the class interacted with 2H, as their reading buddies!