
Spring 2 Half Term

Dates for the Diary
- Assembly. 2:45 Friday 28th February 2025. 
- Wednesday 5th March, class photo’s
- Thursday 6th March, World Book Day.
Dress as your favourite book character or come in your comfiest reading clothes/pjs. 
- Monday 10th March. Owl visit in school. 
In The Spotlight
1970’s Dance Workshop
Awe and wonder walk. 
Children were challenged to find two things they thought were wonderful. These needed to be human made and natural. When they returned to class they discussed their findings and drew their items. 
To find and make the number bonds to 20. 
the children explored number bonds to 20 by choosing a number car and adding that amount to a 10 frame. They then completed the 10 frame to make 20 with a different colour.