Mrs Lisa Keighley
Declaration of Interest:
Material interest - HEADTEACHER
Business interest - NONE
Current Committee Membership
Policy Review Committee
Buildings, Finance & Staffing Committee
Meetings attended 2022/23:
xx/xx Buildings, Finance & Staffing Committee
6/6 Full Governing Body
Appointment Date: September 2020 (Headteacher)
Term of Office: Ongoing
Mr Philip Cavalier-Lumley
Chair of Governors 2023-2025
(Co-opted Governor)
Mr Cavalier-Lumley is a company director and has been a governor since October 2008. He enjoys being a governor and helping the school achieve a good standard of education for all of the children.
Current Committee Membership
Policy Review Committee
Declaration of Interest:
Material interests:
Business interest - None
Meetings attended 2022/23:
6/6 Full Governors Meeting
Appointment Date: 07/12/2022
Term of Office: 4 years
Mrs Emmeline Chellam
Vice- Chair 2023-2025
(Co-opted Governor)
My name is Emmeline Chellam and I’m a parent of seven children, three of whom currently attend Blakehill. I work as a GP in Bradford. I love spending time in school, in particular doing art and craft activities with Reception and Year One classes. I am passionate about ensuring that every child in school receives a good education and enjoy working alongside staff to achieve this.
Emmeline is the school's link governor for Safeguarding, including Child protection and LAC, Reading and Early Years.
Declaration of Interest:
Material interest - Parent
Business interest - NONE
Committee Membership
Curriculum Committee
Headteacher Performance Management
Meetings attended 2022/23:
6/6 Full Governors Meeting
xx/xx Curriculum Committee
Appointment Date: 14/10/20
Term of Office: 4 years
Mr Lynroy Powell
(Co-opted Governor)
Mr Powell is a Retail Store Manager. “Education plays a vital part in our children's lives and being a parent governor will enable me to help in the success of our children's education”.
Lynroy is the school's Link Governor for Safeguarding
Declaration of Interest:
Material interest - NONE
Business interest - NONE
Committee Membership
Buildings, Finance & Staffing Committee
Meetings attended 2022/23:
4/6 Full Governors Meeting
xx/xx Buildings, Finance and Staffing Committee (Chair)
Appointment Date: 07/12/2022
Term of Office: 4 years
Miss Kendal Power
Staff Governor
I am Kendal Power and I am a Teaching Assistant/Cover Supervisor at Blakehill Primary. Currently, I am in my 2nd year of university, studying Education Studies (Primary) and I want to become a teacher. I am passionate about the wellbeing of both staff and children and I am excited to work with Blakehill's Governing Body to maintain excellence.
Declaration of Interest:
Material interest - Staff
Business interest - NONE
Committee Membership
Meetings attended 2022/23:
X/X Full Governors Meeting
Appointment Date: Oct 2024
Term of Office: 4 years
Mr Ian Parsons
(Co-opted Governor)
Ian is a retired senior teacher at a large Bradford Comprehensive School. He has been a Chair of Governors and a staff, parent and foundation Governor at various local schools. Several of his grandchildren attend Blakehill Primary School and he wants to contribute towards Blakehill being an outstanding school for all the children who make up our community.
Ian is the school's link governor for Safeguarding, including Child protection, LAC and Attendance.
Declaration of Interest:
Material interest - Grandparent
Business interest - NONE
Committee Membership
Curriculum Committee (Chair)
Lead governor for attendance
Headteacher Performance Management
Meetings attended 2022/23:
6/6 Full Governors Meeting
xx/xx Curriculum Committee
Appointment Date: 13/10/21
Term of Office: 4 years
Mr Edward Pepper
(Co-opted Governor)
I am a doctor, working with children, and I have a son at Blakehill. I feel passionately about the importance of schools, not only for children’s education but for their emotional and social development. I am very excited to be playing a role at Blakehill in achieving the highest standards possible.
Declaration of Interest:
Material interest - Parent
Business interest - NONE
Committee Membership
Meetings attended 2022/23:
4/6 Full Governors Meeting
Appointment Date: 2022
Term of Office: 4 years
Ms Haedeh Abbasi
(Local Authority Governor)
I have been a governor at Blakehill since 2019, I am a parent within the school, my eldest has just left to attend high school and I have 2 children still attending the school.
My career background is within education, I was a further education lecturer for 10 years and then have worked within secondary and primary schools during my career. I recently qualified as a primary school teacher and now work within a local primary school as an English intervention teacher.
I am interested in student and staff well-being and also that all the pupils achieve and are happy attending school.
Declaration of Interest:
Material interest - Parent
Business interest - NONE
Committee Membership
Buildings, Finance & Staffing Committee
Meetings attended 2022/23:
6/6 Full Governors Meetings
Appointment Date: 3rd May 2023
Term of Office: 4 years
Mrs Debra Ali
(Co-opted Governor)
My name is Debra Ali and I'm a parent. I am pleased to have been elected as parent governor. I work in digital marketing, and I am currently a Trustee on The Tony Rampton Trust Charity, both roles I find rewarding and fulfilling.
I have a daughter who attends the Blakehill and I am excited to help build on the fantastic results the school is consistently delivering. As the parent of a child who attend the school my driving force to become a governor was simply to continually deliver the very best education and learning environment for every single child of every single ability.
Declaration of Interest:
Material interest - Parent
Business interest - NONE
Committee Membership
Building, Finance & Staffing
Meetings attended 2022/23:
6/6 Full Governors Meetings
Appointment Date: 18 /10/2023
Term of Office: 4 years
(Parent Governor)
Mrs Sumayya Desai
(Co-opted Governor)
I am a Pharmacist and a parent of three children, with my eldest attending Blakehill.
I am passionate regarding child development and providing children with the best start both emotionally and academically. I look forward to getting involved and working alongside both parents & teachers in helping the school to improve and strive for better in all areas of education for our children.
Declaration of Interest:
Material interest - Parent
Business interest - NONE
Committee Membership
Meetings attended 2022/23:
Appointment Date: 02-02-2022
Term of Office: 4 years
Mrs Esther Hutton
(Co-opted Governor)
Declaration of Interest:
Material interest - NONE
Business interest - NONE
Committee Membership
Meetings attended 2022/23:
Appointment Date: 30-03-2022
Term of Office: 4 years
Mrs Hayley Dyson
(Parent Governor)
My name is Hayley Dyson. I have a son who attends Blakehill, I am a lawyer and a Parent Governor. I am also a link Governor for Reception. I wanted to become a Governor to contribute towards providing a happy, positive and safe place for children to go to school, and to help ensure that Blakehill maintains its excellent standards. I am proud to be part of Blakehill’s Governing Body and am committed to supporting the school, its students, staff and parents.
Declaration of Interest:
Material interest - Parent
Business interest - NONE
Committee Membership
Meetings attended 2022/23: N/A
Appointment Date: 18-10-23
Term of Office: 4 years
Mrs Rachel Gould
Associate Governor
Mrs Helen Hall
Associate Governor
Mrs Catherine Scott
Associate Governor