

                                                                          Welcome to 3N
Welcome to 3N. We are looking forward to a great year ahead full of exciting learning opportunities, working collaboratively and always trying our best! Relationships are central to everything we do and so we have included some information to help us work as a team and to help us best support your child in Year 3. We will share lots of updates about what we are doing at school so please check in and see what we have been up to! 
Meet the Team 
Mrs S Nelson - Class Teacher 
Miss M O'Brien - Teaching Assistant 
Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any concerns throughout the year! 
Water Bottles and Snacks 
We are a healthy school and believe that hydration and sustenance are important in order to learn successfully. Therefore, we ask that your child brings a bottle of water to school every day. They will be encouraged to take this out to play with them at break and lunch and drink regularly through the day. 
At morning break time, your child has the opportunity to eat a snack. We ask that this is inline with our healthy schools policy and so is a piece of fruit, fruit and nut bar, crackers, cheese etc. We ask that this is not chocolate, sweet or cake please. 
Our KIRFs are the recall facts that support our maths curriculum. With a firm grasp and quick recall of these, your child will be well armed to succeed in their mathematics learning. These will be sent home every week with examples of links or activities you could use to help this. Please practise these as regularly as possible. 
Home Reading
Home reading is a crucial way to support your child's progress as reading is a key skill that is used across the primary curriculum. We have benchmarked your child at the beginning of the year to ensure that they are reading a book at the correct challenge level and have used this to create targets.
We will read with your child every week in school and you will be notified of this in their reading record.
When your child reads at home they can out a sticker on their reading chart. Upon completion they are awarded this certificate in celebration assembly. 
Age related expectations for Year 3 are book bands 23 and 24. We will put in place any support needed to help your child to meet this but regular reading at home, daily if possible, will enable them to make as much progress as possible. 
Every week your child will be set spellings linked to the English curriculum. These will wither be linked to a spelling rule we will be learning in school or from the statutory word list. 
Spelling and KIRF tests will take place each Friday. 
Please ensure that your child is well equipped with their school uniform including a tie. Please ensure they wear black school shoes. If they do not have these, they will be given a pair of black school pumps to wear for the day.  
Please ensure these are named in order to help us find them if they get misplaced during getting changed for PE or on a hot day. 
Our PE sessions take place on a Monday afternoon and a Wednesday morning. Please ensure your child comes to school in this for PE days.  
Our PE kit is: 
- a blue or white t-shirt
- black or blue shorts or tracksuit
- black pumps 
- a pair or trainers
Please ensure all items are clearly named. Especially jumpers as these often get taken off as we work up a sweat! 

Homework Projects


Each half-term the children will have the opportunity to complete a homework project linked to the current curriculum. We have had some amazing projects in the past and hope that as many children as possible will submit a piece of work.


Projects can take the form of a model, a piece of writing, research on the computer or artwork. This half-term we are inviting children to work on a project linked to our history topic of The Industrial Revolution. They may want to create a poster about the revolution, mills, machines, jobs in the mill or anything that takes their interest. 

Class Councillor
We have voted for our school council representative. We are proud to introduce Isa Butt. We are sure he will support the council, to make school a better place for all!