
Autumn Term 2

Autumn 2
In English, we have been very busy looking at how to up level and improve our sentences. We looked at adjectives and adverbs to make our writing more exciting for the reader. The children had a lot of fun completing sentence soup! They worked in small groups and found ways to ensure they had the most creative sentences.
When it rains outside, we don't let that stop us - we still keep active! The children really enjoyed getting moving in the classroom to GoNoodle. The children encouraged each other to keep moving and stay in time to the beat.
In Geography, 4W have been learning all about the 7 continents of the world. To remember them all we learnt a catchy song so we wouldn't forget any. Have a listen to them singing along to the song - It's a real treat.
In History, we have just started to learn all about WW2. The children really got into character re-enacting to how they would feel, after hearing the famous speech of Neville Chamberlain declaring war with Germany. 
This term in P.E we have been looking at golf. The children have learnt to hold the golf club correctly and how to swing accurately. They worked in pairs and either putted or chipped the ball to each other, depending on which golf club they were given.  
Black History Week - Music
This week we are learning all about Black History and how important it is. Thanks to Mrs. Johnston, we were able to take part in an African drumming session. The children learnt all about the djembe drum. They looked at what the drum is made from, how to create different sounds, explored controlling the volume and slowing down and speeding up the tempo. 
In Science, we have been investigating electricity. We have looked at how to create a circuit and what it need to work correctly. The children had a lot of fun creating them and as you can were successful after some investigating. 
After working on how to create a circuit and successfully completing a simple circuit, the children began to investigate  different conductors and insulators before sorting them into a Carol diagram.
Year 4 have been busy, create your own silhouette picture based on the artist Loïs Mailou Jones. First, they had to cut out a silhouette of there face. Next, they had to think of different patters that might contrast. As you can see, the children have created some fantastic artwork that is really effective. 
This also fitted in nicely with both our WW2 topic and our work on Black History month. 
Maths Day
Today we have been really busy during 'maths day'. The children have enjoyed the opportunity to explore with perimeter. They had to work in teams to solve and complete a series of problems using their understanding of perimeter. 
We completed the day with some times tables battles. 
We have consolidated our learning about coordinates this week. The children have been practically using counters to plot the points before playing Battleships. They have all done extremely well with this and are understanding the concept behind coordinates. 
In P.E we have been looking at ball control and how to accurately pass and stop the ball with our feet. The children looked at stopping the ball with their feet. Finally, they investigated different ways of moving around the space and using the side of their foot to kick the ball more accurate. 
We have been getting really into our WW2 topic this term. The children have been creating silhouettes of the Blitz. We used a mixture of colours to create the effect of fire. Then we started to cut out our silhouettes of the building in London. 

In media we have creating an animation using stop motion. Firstly, we created our back grounds by manipulating and moving 2D shapes on publisher.  We then cut out clouds and rain drops before using the stop motion app to create an animation of the water cycle. 
We have also been busy looking into how to take pictures. Through creativity the children captured some excellent images. They had to communicate with their partner and make the images. The children soon got the hang of capturing the images. They now realise they need to have a steady hand and focus on what they were capturing. This provided children with the opportunity to be innovative with images. 

In our computing carousel, we have been exploring the code used in games ahead of designing and creating our own later in the year. We then started developing use of movement code and getting out sprite moving around the screen.