
Spring term

In today's History lesson, Year 6 explored the history of the Bayeux Tapestry, understanding what this tapestry tells us about the events of 1066. Year 6 then attempted to match descriptions of images to sections of the tapestry, placing the tapestry in chronological order.
In today's History lesson we explored the similarities and differences between two conflicts, the Battle of Stamford Bridge and the D-Day landings, this carried on from our earlier work exploring the war in Iraq. Pupils sorted different cards using PE hoops to create a Venn diagram.
 Religious Education
During today's lesson, we explored how to identify and locate religious buildings in our local area, using a map and a key to identify local religious landmarks.
Today, Year 6 made predictions based on images and texts from our new story, 'The Mighty Odds'.
In today's English lesson, we explored different words from our new text. We highlighted any words we were unsure of or we thought that were unusual and discussed these. We also explored two characters and created a giant 'roll on the wall' to show what we had found. 
We are now exploring how to order different items in a café using the phrases 'What would you like to order?' and ' I would like...'
In our maths lesson, we have been exploring decimal numbers. Today, we completed an open-ended nRICH maths investigation exploring decimal numbers and placing these on a number spiral. We discussed how we would tackle this problem and what pitfalls we might fall into. 
With Mrs. Marsden, we have been studying the work of Georges-Pierre Seurat, a famous French painter. We made plans of our work, which are on display in our classroom, and are now recreating sections using watercolors. 
In Maths, we continued to explore decimal numbers in today's lesson. We applied everything we have learnt to solve a decimal problem solving investigation where we had to follow a series of instructions / clues to work out what to do! Here are some pictures of our work.
In Science today, 6S have been exploring circuits today. Pupils were given the opportunity to create their own circuits. They then created circuit diagrams using the correct scientifically symbols. 
We headed to the computing lab today to start our new units exploring data and using Microsoft Excel. In today's lesson we learnt what Excel is and how it works. 
In our science lesson, we conducted an investigation to see what the effect would be of adding more bulbs to a simple circuit. We discovered that the more bulbs you added, the dimmer the light as the power is being spread across more components. 
Mr. Simmons handing out his prizes after Y6 completed their orienteering Easter themed chocolate hunt!