
Extra Curricular Clubs

Extra curricular activities. 
At Blakehill we are proud to offer a broad range of extra curricular activities. Through the use of targeted clubs, we aim to ensure as there are opportunities for out pupils to attend as many different clubs as possible. 
Our after school programme changes on a half termly basis, with different year groups having access to high quality coaching from a number of external professionals. We aim to offer a variety of activities, not just PE but subject enrichment opportunities based on our pupils interests, each half term to engage as many children as we can in extra curricular activities. 
The impact of extracurricular clubs for 2023/2024 school year. 
There was a total of 77 after school clubs provided before and after school during the 2023/2024 academic year. There were approximately 14 extra curricular activities per half term.
These are provided by external agencies and school staff and include: 
Positive Start, Wake up Shake Up before school activities and gardening, science, construction art, food technology, forest school, cross country, drama, dance and many more. There is something for everyone to be involved in!
A whopping, 226 children attended more than one after school club during 2023/24.  
Our ambition is to ensure as many children as possible have the opportunity to participate in after school activities.