
Spring Term

As we are looking at the Amazon rainforest across writing and topic, we decided to explore Frida Kahlo within our art lessons. The children have had opportunities to explore the her work through research and attempting some of her work. 
World Book Day 
For World Book Day, everyone came to school dressed in the theme of an adjective. In class, we decided to look at 'Mr Twit' and produced a character description along with some role play!
Tropical World 
In Year 6, we visit Tropical World as part of our Amazon Rainforest topic. It was a chance for the children to see and understand a variety of animals/insects which originate from the Amazon and how they manage to adapt to the trick climate!
SATs preparation!
It is that time of year where we are preparing for the upcoming SATs. We have been working hard together to get ready and focus on the areas we need to improve!