Welcome to Blakehill Primary School's Early Birds and Night Owls
We are delighted to offer excellent onsite before and after school provision, exclusive to Blakehill pupils.
Our Aim
- provide high quality before and after school provision for pupils attending Blakehill
- provide a safe, positive and enjoyable environment
- support parents who need/want to work
- reinvest to sustain and further our vision for improving outcomes for children
Blakehill Early Birds
Early Birds is our before school club and provides childcare between 7.30am – 8.45am every morning, at a cost of £4.50 per child, per session. The cost includes a breakfast buffet and a drink. At the beginning of the school day, children will be escorted to their classes by a member of the Early Birds’ team.
Blakehill Night Owls
Night Owls is our after school club and provides childcare between 3:15pm – 6.00pm daily, at a cost of £8.50 per child, per session. The cost includes a teatime buffet and a drink. Your child will be collected from their classes and remain in the care of the Night Owls’ staff until they are collected by a parent/carer.
Reductions available for siblings.
Discounts are available for siblings. Please contact our wraparound childcare manager, Sarah Jacobs or the school office for more details.
How to book a place
Booking a place at our before / after school club is easy. If you are a new parent to Blakehill, or if your child is attending for the first time, you will need to contact the school office initially to register and then we will help to get you started.
WHILST BOOKING SESSIONS IN ADVANCE IS PREFERABLE, WE OPERATE ON A FLEXIBLE BASIS AND CAN ACCOMMODATE CHILDREN ON A LAST MINUTE BASIS. This can be done by contacting the school office: 01274 414355 / office@blakehill.bradford.sch.uk
Booking and Payment
Once registered, payment for both Early Birds and Night Owls can be made via your Parent Pay account. Parents are welcome to pay for more sessions in advance if they so wish. Any absences must still be paid for and we cannot hold children’s places where non-payment from parents occurs. Payments made where absences occur due to COVID related illnesses or self-isolation requirements will be refunded.