
Spring Term

5J have spent the last few days focusing on mastering adding mixed number fractions. Today they applied their skills by playing a game of four in a row. It was great to see them showcasing their learning and see their confidence improve!


During the snow week, we completed a home learning project all about our topic on light and sight. We found many interesting facts which we were able to share with one another once we were back in school.


In Spanish we are currently learning how to ask questions. We have been learning how to verbally ask questions as well as writing questions in Spanish.


We have been learning about Hinduism. We have learnt about life after death, rituals and the many Gods in the Hindu religion. Here we are practising how to keep calm and be at peace with one another.


We have been reading The Secret Garden in our English and reading lessons. We have loved learning about the characters and finding more out about the garden itself. To display our work in school, we wrote setting descriptions, a diary, letter and biography and then recycled plastic bottles and turned them into flowers. What do you think of our amazing display?

Spring 2
English - Grammar
To recap what we have learnt so far in KS2, the children took part in a spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPAG) snowball fight!
Using scrunched up paper with a range of grammar terminology the children threw them around the classroom (!) and then collected as many as they could to work through in groups.
It was interesting to see how much they knew and what they could share with one another.
Dance Workshop
To celebrate 5o years of Blakehill, year 5 took part in a dance workshop where they learnt and performed a dance inspired by the 1970s.  Some great talent, confidence and moves were shown!