LO: To recognise a half and find a half.
This week in our maths lessons we have been introduced to the focus of fractions. More specifically, today we have been learning all about finding and recognising a half. We now understand how a half is represented and the steps we need to follow when we see a question that contains this fraction. To embed our learning we used post-it notes to shade a half of the shape!
George's Marvellous Medicine!
LO: To use inference skills to understand a characters emotions.
This week in our English lessons we have started reading the classic Roald Dahl book: George's Marvellous Medicine. During our lessons for the week we were building towards writing a character description about Grandma. To support our understanding of this character we completed a Role on the Wall! We discussed Grandma's feelings and her attitude towards other main characters in the story.
King Charles ll Coronation Celebration Day
On Friday we celebrated the coronation of King Charles ll. We decorated our school as well as a bike, pram or scooter from home. We had a procession in the hall and then some of our older children showcased Maypole dancing! In class we learnt about the life of King Charles throughout our whole class reading lessons in which we explored the text by Michael Morpurgo: 'The Boy Who Would Be King'. To conclude the day, we had an ice cream outside with our friends.
The children in 2M came dressed for the occasion today! Look at our happy and smiling faces.
Together We Can!
LO: To tell the time to o'clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past.
This week in our maths lessons we have been exploring a new until within the curriculum. We have been consolidating our understanding of telling the time by using analogue clocks to physically move and manipulate the minute and hour hands. We now know how to tell the time to o'clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past. We are beginning to move onto the more challenging times too! For example, telling the time to 5 minutes.
LO: To develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space.
This afternoon 2M used pastels, chalk and pencil crayons to create an effective drawing of flowers. The flower that we chose to sketch and colour is the specific flower that we are growing in our classroom! This is because we planted the seeds during our trip to Harlow Carr and we were able to bring the plant pots back to school to watch our seed grow and blossom. This flower is called the Orange Calendula. We wonder if our flowers will look like our pictures?
LO: Geometry - Position and Direction. To describe turns and movements.
This week we have been developing our understanding of position and direction to describe different movements. Initially, we have been doing this practically using our bodies! During the main teaching inputs we were pretending to be a robot and our peers had to direct us using accurate vocabulary. For example, clockwise, anticlockwise, quarter turn, forwards and backwards.
Shakespeare Workshop
A Midsummer Night's Dream
This week has been Shakespeare week and Year 2 have been learning all about the play: 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. To hook us into our learning we had a workshop with Jackson who taught us about the play and explained each scene to us. To help us embed this knowledge he tasked us with dialogue and freeze frames to act out each scene. We had to work in teams of 5 or 6 to create these scene and then Jackson went around the hall to evaluate each groups creation!