
Spring Term

Thank you for all the super work completed during our 'Snow Week!' The children came back eager and ready to learn! 
In English the pupils have really enjoyed working with our new text - Dinosaur Cove. They have already done several pieces of writing; making predictions, thinking about characters feelings and why they have behaved like they did and describing the jungle setting. 
We looked at several clues below to help us make our predictions about the text! Lots of us thought it would be something about Dinosaurs!
Science this half term is all about Animals and Movement. We looked at the importance of a balanced diet this week and spent some time examining food packaging to see how much of each nutrient the foods contained. We also enjoyed creating our own Menu for a day ensuring we ate enough food from each of the food groups. 
In PHSE we have started to learn about 'Keeping ourselves safe'. We enjoyed a talk task this week around different unsafe situations we may find ourselves in. Together we decided what would be the best and safest way out of a given situation. We came up with lots of good ideas from listening to each other.  
This term in RE we are exploring the Islam faith and learning about the importance of the 'Five Pillars of Islam'. This week we started our learning journey by looking at some artefacts linked to the religion. We enjoyed talking about them and learning more about their use. We also came up with lots of questions about the religion that we hope to be able to answer by the end of the unit. 
We have continued to enjoy our Science unit all about animals and movement. This week we have explored different diets, learnt about teeth and looked at different bones in the body! 
This week in Science we were investigating whether there was any pattern in body size. We measured the height of pupils and the length of their to see if we could find a pattern. Ask the children what we found out! 
We have also looked at x-ray pictures of different parts of the body to see if we could identify the bones. We were excellent at this and got them all correct! 
In English we have loved reading our class text - Dinosaur Cove. We have written diary accounts, setting descriptions and character descriptions based on this book. We have also loved innovating the story and making it our own! We are very proud of our super writing on display! 
We have learnt all about direct speech this half term in English lessons and can now use it in our writing. This can be very tricky but we love to play games to help us remember. In this activity, we needed to find out which statement has used it correctly and which statement has used it incorrectly. We are getting better at using inverted commas now! 
Class 3N were very proud of Logan as he took part in our Rock Steady concert on the drums! 
Thank you for coming to our Class Assembly this half term! We loved sharing our learning with you! 
In History this week, we learnt about technical advances from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age. We designed information posters all about these advances and every day life during this time.
Reading lessons have complimented our History topic as we have explored the book - Stone Age Boy. It has helped us understand every day life in Stone Age Times. This week we enjoyed writing our very own recipe in English also - Stone Age Soup! 
In Art lessons this half term we have been exploring the 'eye' in preparation for designing a sculpture of a 'Dinosaur Eye'. I will share some photos of the finished eyes once complete!
Outdoor PE lessons have been all about 'Team Work' and the importance of listening to each other. As part of this unit of work, we enjoyed working in pairs to design new outdoor team games that we could play. We had to think about the equipment used, the rules and layout. Once complete, we presented our new game to the rest of the class. We are looking forward to trying out many of these games in some sunnier spring weather! 
Spring 2
Welcome back to a new half term. Let's hope we see some sunshine soon! Class 3N are looking forward to sharing lots more work with you this half term! 
In English we have started a new text all about Volcanoes called 'Pebble in my pocket'. This is a book to help us understand all about the journey of a pebble and how it was formed. We have looked at powerful verb choice while thinking about what is happening when a volcano erupts. We have already written some super pieces of writing using similes and expanded noun phrases to describe volcanoes. 
Geography has also been all about Volcanoes and Earthquakes. We have been looking at tectonic plates and learning all about the Pacific Ring of fire while also learning technical vocabulary to label a volcano. The children have already learnt so many facts about plate movements. There is still lots more to come as we work towards writing our own information piece of text. 
We loved our 1970's Dance Workshop on Wednesday. The children enjoyed learning some new dance moves and some were really confident to showcase what they learnt!