
Spring Term

Well, what a snowy start to the beginning of our spring term! It certainly doesn't feel very much like spring at the moment. It has been lovely to welcome the children back into school this morning. Snow didn't stop our learning and we have had a lot of fun adding colour to the snow in our snow art and sledging. 
For those children who prefer the indoors we had lots of fun tasks to keep them busy and learning. 
In maths we are exploring weight. We have enjoyed using the scales to help us to compare weight. 
The dinosaurs came to school this week! We had lots of fun at the dinosaur workshop. We dug for fossils and even met a baby T-Rex called Rory!
We had a wonderful time at the pantomime this morning! Oh yes we did!
Take a look at our provision. Our topic this half term is Dinosaurs! We are having lots of fun discovering our own learning in our indoor and outdoor provision.