
Spring Term

DT - Making books come alive. 
Recently, we have started our DT project on making books come alive. 
Session 1 
we looked at different pop up books and discussed what we we liked and disliked about them, how they might have been made, what mechanism’s are used and finally we discussed how effective they were. 
Session 2
The children measured and cut using appropriate tools. We then discussed and compared the 6 different pop ups and how we may use them in our pop up books.
Session 3 
Design - we designed our front cover twice and evaluated each one. We then designed our pop up books. We added in different pop up mechanisms and accurate information about WW2. Our next step is to make our final pop up books, keep an eye out for our final products!
Session 4 
Making! Today we started to make our pop up books. This could take a few sessions…
Today in ICT we programmed a computer by typing in codes. Children had to programme a code to create digit and then were challenged to create their initials and the outline of a house. Children had to ensure that their codes were accurate.
E-Safety - Online relationships
we discussed what being ‘online’ meant and we discussed what we can do online. We then discussed some key words and sorted them into 2 categories, respectful and disrespectful. Then we looked at different scenarios to highlight the problem, how people might have felt and how the situation could be handled differently. 
Science - electricity.
In science we have started a new unit on electricity. We discussed and sorted appliances into mains operated or battery operated. Children then had to make simple circuits where we discussed different components. 
Science - electricity
Children made a simple complete circuit with a switch. We discussed what a simple circuit was and children then discussed how a switch works. Children came to the conclusion that a switch needs to be and to conduct electricity but also needs be an insulator.
children were set a challenge to create a switch using a piece of card, 2 split pins and a paper clip.
PE - hockey.
This half term, in PE, we have been learning skills to play hockey. The children have learnt pass, dribble, shoot and tackle. 
Maths - division
Year 4 have been working hard using a formal written method to divide. We have learnt how to divide a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number using the bus stop method. We found this tricky but have had lots of practice. 
Music - recorders
We use some of the notes we learnt last week to play our recorders with the song Old Joe Clark. 
ICT - using repeat command. 
Today we used the repeat command to create shapes. We then discussed why we would use the repeat command as it is more efficient. This took some practice but we got there in the end. 
Maths- times tables 
Times tables is a really important aspect of maths in Year 4. Here the children had a carousel of activities to help consolidate our learning. 
PE - Cricket. 
We started a new unit in PE which is cricket. We started by recapping throwing and catching techniques and then leaned how to use a long barrier and short barrier when fielding. We then applied these skills in a fun version of quick cricket.