
Weekly spellings

Handed out 16.09.20, to be tested on 23.09.20
  1. referring
  2. referral
  3. preferred
  4. transferring
  5. transferred
  6. reference
  7. referee
  8. preference
  9. transference
  10. referred
  11. preferring
Handed out 23.09.20, to be tested on 30.09.20
  1. calendar
  2. perhaps
  3. minute
  4. strength
  5. probably
  6. mention
  7. purpose
  8. promise
  9. centre
  10. heard
  11. grammar
Handed out 30.09.20, to be tested on 07.10.20
  1. co-ordinate
  2. re-enter
  3. co-operate
  4. co-owner
  5. re-cover
  6. re-press
  7. co-pilot
  8. re-educate
  9. re-explain
  10. re-evaluate
  11. re-examine
Handed out 07.10.20, to be tested on 14.10.20
  1. although
  2. sentence
  3. recent
  4. quarter
  5. potatoes
  6. position
  7. naughty
  8. imagine
  9. February
  10. favourite
  11. decide
Handed out 14.10.20, to be tested on 21.10.20
  1. deceive
  2. conceive
  3. receive
  4. perceive
  5. ceiling
  6. receipt
  7. deceit
  8. conceit
  9. inconceivable 
Handed out 04.11.20, to be tested on 11.11.20
  1. heart
  2. circle
  3. therefore
  4. eight
  5. strength
  6. strange
  7. achieve
  8. foreign
  9. category
  10. ancient
  11. describe
Handed out 11.11.20, to be tested on 18.11.20
  1. ought
  2. nought
  3. fought
  4. tough
  5. cough
  6. dough
  7. borough
  8. plough
  9. bough
  10. though
  11. enough
Handed out 18.11.20, to be tested on 25.11.20
  1. notice
  2. bicycle
  3. relevant
  4. prejudice
  5. interfere
  6. existence
  7. awkward
  8. government
  9. average
  10. develop
Handed out 25.11.20, to be tested on 02.12.20
  1. suggest
  2. digest
  3. congestion
  4. gesture
  5. gestation
  6. lightning
  7. daylight
  8. enlighten
  9. twilight
  10. limelight
Handed out 02.12.20, to be tested on 09.12.20
  1. doubt
  2. island
  3. lamb
  4. solemn
  5. thistle
  6. knight
  7. subtle
  8. mortgage
  9. moisten
  10. knead
  11. wrought
Handed out 09.12.20, to be tested on 16.12.20
  1. aggressive
  2. community
  3. desperate
  4. explanation
  5. hindrance
  6. opportunity
  7. profession
  8. soldier
  9. temperature
  10. muscle
  11. rhythm
Handed out 13.04.2021, tested on 21.04.2021
  1. according
  2. amateur
  3. communicate
  4. conscious
  5. definite
  6. especially
  7. familiar
  8. harass
  9. individual
  10. lightning
  11. physical
Handed out 21.04.2021, to be tested on 28.04.2021
  1. Aloud
  2. Allowed
  3. Aisle
  4. Isle
  5. Altar
  6. Alter
  7. Descent
  8. Decent
  9. Affect
  10. Effect
Handed out on 05.05.2021, to be tested on 12.05.2021
  1. Wearily
  2. Solemnly
  3. Occasionally
  4. Annually 
  5. Menacingly 
  6. Ferociously  
  7. Sorrowfully
  8. Exuberantly 
  9. Worship
  10. Flagship

Handed out on 12.05.2021, to be tested on 19.05.2021
  1. Fellowship
  2. Leadership
  3. Membership
  4. Friendship 
  5. Ownership 
  6. Citizenship  
  7. Scholarship
  8. Autograph 
  9. Autobiography
  10. Automatic
Handed out 09.06.2021, to be tested on 16.06.2021
  1. Father
  2. Father
  3. Bridal
  4. Bridle
  5. Cereal
  6. Serial
  7. Past
  8. Passed
  9. Gussed
  10. Guest
Handed out 16.06.2021, to be tested on 23.06.2021
  1. Accommodate
  2. Bargain
  3. Conscience
  4. Disastrous
  5. Environment
  6. Identity
  7. Language
  8. Nuisance
  9. Persuade
  10. Sacrifice
  11. Thorough