

Welcome to 4R

We aim to enjoy coming to school every day to fulfill our potential and develop a lifelong love of learning! 

Daily start and end times 

Children can come into school from 8.35 onwards. The gate is open for the children from 8.30. Register is taken from 8:45 and closes at 9am. The school day will end at 3.15pm. If your child isn't collected by 3.25pm, you will need to collect them from the school office. 


It is important that your child attends school regularly as missed days can lead to gaps in learning. If there are any issues at home that may make this difficult please talk to us as we may be able to help.

Home Reading

Each child has a home reading book and record. We will assess and chose the level of this book for your child in order to ensure it meets their reading needs. We will read this book with your child in class but it is also important that they are read with daily at home. This is part of their weekly homework. Your child will benefit from reading 4-5 pages and then talking about what they have read. They could be discussing the characters, what they think will happen next or answering questions you ask them. 

Homework Expectation 

Weekly homework is:

  • Spellings practice for 15 minutes 3 times a week. This is given out on Friday and tested the following Friday. 
  • Times tables and KIRF practice for 15 minutes 3 times a week. This is given out on Friday and tested the following Friday. 
  • Reading at least 3 times a week. 
  • Practice on TTrockstars (either garage band or soundcheck mode).
All children will be provided with a homework book for them to practice their spellings and KIRFs. These books need to be sent into school every Friday so that new homework can be given out. Children will be tested on their spellings on the following Friday. 


We do PE twice a week. On a Thursday morning, we have indoor PE lessons (swimming) and on a Tuesday afternoon we have outdoor PE lessons. Please be aware that where possible, outdoor PE lessons will take place and so your child will need to have a jumper and a warm, waterproof coat for this outdoor session. 

On a Tuesday, children need to wear their PE kits to school. On Thursday, children will wear uniform as usual.

Your child will need: 

Swimming kit: Children need to wear appropriate swimwear. Boys swimming wear must be no longer that their knees and girls need to wear an appropriate swimming costume. 

Outdoor Kit: Long black or blue jogging bottoms, a white PE T-shirt and a warm black or blue jumper to keep them warm in the winter months. Children will also need suitable trainers.

All items will need to be labelled.

Water Bottles & healthy snack

We would encourage a named water bottle to be brought into school for your child to use regularly.  Bottles should be taken home daily to be cleaned. We ask that your child only has water in their bottle. 

At morning break time, your child has the opportunity to eat a snack. We ask that this is in line with our healthy schools policy and so is a piece of fruit, cereal bar, crackers, cheese etc. Snacks should not include chocolate, sweets, crisps or cakes. 


Please ensure that your child has the correct uniform


  • School tie
  • White shirt/polo shirt
  • Charcoal (dark grey) trousers / skirt / dress
  • Charcoal (dark grey) shorts
  • A blue and white checked dress may be worn in the summer months
  • V-neck navy blue jumper / cardigan with school logo
  • Black shoes
  • Black/white socks or tights
  • Trainers can be worn for PE and at break times. Shoes or pumps should be worn in school at all times.
If you have any question or would like anymore information about Year 4 please ask a member of the team.
Thank you,
Mr Rhodes 
Welcome to 4R!
4R Teaching Team
Class Councillor - Lyla
Class Teacher: Mr Rhodes