
Spring Term

Design & Technology
This half term we have been creating Greek-Style structures as part of our DT project. The children were put into groups and tasked with the challenge of planning, designing and creating a Greek Temple or Amphitheatre. 
English - Greek Myths
This week, we have been looking at Greek Myths. The children had the opportunity to read the great tale of Theseus and The Minotaur. They analysed the text, pulling out the themes within the text and the characters involved. This was all preparation for the children to rewrite their own version of this famous myth, which they will do next week. 
PSHE - Spaghetti Towers 
In an effort to build the children’s skills in Team-building, Communication and Problem Solving, the children had the opportunity to work together to make the tallest tower possible out of Spaghetti and Marshmallows.