
Enrichment Opportunities

Our learning
At the beginning of the Autumn term, we held our annual 'Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing' week, where pupils took part in a range of activities and exercises designed to foster 'positive' mental health. Pupils learnt about resilience; how to support themselves and others; and who they can turn to for advice or support if they are feeling sad or upset.
Below are some pictures of the work pupils created as part of this week. As part of our mental health focus, pupils in each year group also studied a book connected to mental health. Each book, and corresponding YouTube video, is saved below:
Year 2: Is a worry worrying you? https://www.youtube.com/watchv=sc3ioOeSHbQ

Year 3: The very hungry worry monsters https://www.youtube.com/watch v=DzmvjAjHafM
Year 4: The heart and the bottle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FSuy-J_Pzk

Year 5: What to do when you worry too much https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUHFIjzYuRY&t=1269s


Throughout the year, we hold regular assemblies where we discuss important issues such as how to get along with other people; what to do if we are feeling sad or low; and how we can support each other. These are typically followed by a short task that the children complete to consolidate their learning.