
Computing at Blakehill



Computing is a necessary, core skill for all people in today's world; therefore, we believe it is important to equip everyone in our school with knowledge, understanding and problem solving skills. We want everyone to be able to enjoy and use a range of devices and applications safely. We want every child to have a love and thirst for computing which sets the foundation for their lives in a technological era.




We use the NCCE's scheme of learning to teach computing at Blakehill. This scheme of learning is created by Teach Computing who liase with STEM experts and carry out research into how best to teach children core computing concepts. Our children have a computing lesson once a week which may use iPads, chromebooks or at distance learning to help them understand a concept. They learn 4 core disciplines: computing and networks, programming, creating media and data and information. Particular focus is paid to programming and creating media. Children explore these concepts twice a year. We believe this is important as these are the skills that they are most likely to need in adult life. 

Throughout school, we seek to develop and embed these skills by taking advantage of cross curricular links. Therefore our children regularly using computing skills to support other areas of the curriculum. 

E-safety is a central part of our approach to teaching computing at Blakehill as it is a crucial element of their safeguarding. Therefore we take advantage of opportunities to explore this in the context of computing lessons. We also teach 2 explicit e-safety objectives a half term and our e-safety lead holds regular e-safety assemblies. This helps keep all of our children up to date and aware of using technology safely.




Children enjoy computing and make good use of it to explore learning on other areas. They are aware of how to use technology safely, how the devices they use work and the many different things they can use computers to do. Children leave Blakehill with a range of computing skills and knowledge which they choose to use for enjoyment or to help them in day to day life.