
Competitions & Sporting successes

Competitions & Sporting Successes 
At Blakehill we are proud of the things our children achieve in sports. During celebration assemblies children can bring in any certificates, medal and trophies that they wish to share.  These are what our pupils have been awarded/won in any activity that they are involved in out of school, these are what our pupils are proud of. 
We also provide a variety of opportunities, across the academic year, for children to access competitive sports, we often host school Football fixtures, Netball fixtures, Cross Country and occasionally dance and cheerleading events. We use some of our PE and Sport Premium Funding to buy into Sport Coach UK's competition packages and we also pay to enter other local and regional competitions throughout the year. Some of the events we attend are: Frisbee, Football, Dance, Cricket, Netball, Hockey, Cross country, Golf, Badminton, Girls Football, Tag Rugby and the Brownlee Triathlon.