
Geography at Blakehill


At Blakehill we believe that all our children should be confident in the world around them and that this comes from having knowledge and skills to navigate it.

Our pupils learn geographical skills such as mapwork and taking measurements to know what our planet looks like and develop a thirst for exploring and protecting our planet.



The Geography curriculum through Blakehill is progressive. Children have the opportunity to revisit and build upon knowledge and skills from previous years in order to develop knowledge and deep understanding that they can recall confidently.

We teach our children are taught four main disciplines in geography: geographical skills, locational knowledge, place knowledge and environmental, physical and human geography. Children are taught key locational and place facts so that they can find where key points in our world are and describe what they look like. They then apply this knowledge and develop it by exploring how these places change over time and consider how they interact with humans. They are given opportunities to explore how humans impact our world in positive and negative ways. This forms our children into conscientious pupils.

Throughout school, we underpin our geography curriculum with high quality trips which provide our children with the opportunity to develop their working geographically skills and embed their knowledge. Our children carry out learning walks around the local area using maps to navigate and make observations about human and physical features. In Years 4 and 5 our children attend residential trips to Nell Bank and Ingleborough. Here they experience contrasting localities and develop their comparison skills. In Year 6 our children visit Tropical world and Roundhay Park to apply their knowledge and carry out fieldwork comparing the difference between rainforests and deciduous forests.

We use assessment quizzes through our units to inform our planning and identify any misconceptions. At the end of units, we complete assessments in order to identify the disciplines which children are ready to be challenged in or may need additional support in. 

Children enjoy learning about our world and and speak with confidence about different places and what they look like. They know key locations on our planet and how these affect the weather and climate. Children are responsible citizens who talk about issues that affect the environment around us with knowledge and passion. 
Have a look at what Geography looks like in our school!