Here is some useful information:
Home Reading
Each child has a home reading book and record. We have assessed and chosen the level of this book for your child in order to ensure this meets their reading needs. We encourage children to read at home each night.
When your child has read at home, please use their reading record to write a comment, date and sign so that your child can add a sticker on their reading chart. When 35 stickers have been collected, your child will receive a certificate in assembly.
Your child will be given a group of spellings and KIRFS to learn.
These will be tested on the following Friday.
You can find the weekly homework on our class page:
Classes 2020-21 - 3J - Homework.
School uniform
Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
As of September 2020 we have a new school uniform for children in key stage two. If your child’s uniform from last year still has wear left, we will allow a period of transition until January 2021.
- Blakehill school tie
- White shirt
- Charcoal grey trousers / skirt / dress
- Charcoal grey shorts / blue and white checked dress (Summer)
- V-neck navy blue jumper with Blakehill school logo
- Black shoes (no trainers or high heels)
- Black/white socks or tights
- Trainers can be worn for PE and at break times. Shoes or pumps should be worn in school at all times.
PE is taught twice a week. On a Wednesday morning, we have indoor PE and on a Tuesday afternoon we have outdoor PE lessons. Please be aware that where possible, outdoor PE lessons will take place and so your child will need to have a jumper and a warm, waterproof coat for this outdoor session.
Your child will need:
Indoor Kit: Children will need black or navy shorts, a white T-shirt and black pumps.
Outdoor Kit: Long black or blue jogging bottoms, a white PE T-shirt and a warm black or blue jumper to keep them warm in the winter months. Children will also need suitable trainers too.
Their PE kit should be in school at all times.