
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Policy

Relationships, Sex and Health Education

From Summer 2021, all primary pupils must be taught relationships education. This applies to every school including academies, free schools, faith schools and independent schools. Prior to this, it was not compulsory for all schools to deliver relationships education as part of their curriculum; Blakehill have always taught this.

The Government have made this change because they believe relationships education will:

  • prevent bullying based on perceived differences
  • help children to be happy, healthy and safe and prepare them for life in a diverse modern society                                               


 In response to this, we have reviewed our relationships education curriculum and policy at Blakehill to ensure that it is fully compliant with the guidance provided nationally.


After consultation with staff and governors, we propose that Blakehill Primary School adopt the model policy recommended by Bradford Council (see attached).The model policy has been written in consultation with groups of parents, teachers, pupils and other stakeholders across the district and approved by staff and governors at Blakehill.


The adoption of this policy will not change what or how we currently teach relationships education at Blakehill.


As part of the consultation process, schools are required to discuss the development of this policy with parents. We suggest that we do this in the following ways:

  • school provide parents with a copy of the proposed model policy
  • school provide parents with a list of frequently asked questions and responses
  • school provide opportunities for parents to air their views, wishes, request further information etc during our Spring Term Parent/ Teacher Consultation Evenings in March
  • if required, school will form an advisory panel involving parents which will advise the school on the wishes of parents regarding the RSE policy.


It is the school’s aim to to help pupils develop self-respect, confidence and empathy and acquire the skills, knowledge, attitudes and values to lead happy and successful lives both now and in the future.