
Summer 1

I can't believe that it is the Summer Term already. We have only been back for such a short time and yet we have already been so busy. This half term we have been learning all about the book, 'The Knight who took all day' by James Mayhew. James Mayhew is our class author. 
We looked at castles and learned all about the key features of a castle. We had a go at building our own castles and labelled them. 
In our art lessons we have been exploring colour and paint. We have been learning to use water colour paint correctly. We painted our own water colour dragons. 
In English we did some drama activities and created some freeze frames of scenes from our book. We thought about what the characters might be saying in the pictures and created our own speech bubbles. 
We used Swiggle to search for information about castles. 
In Maths we learned about arrays.  We practised learning about rows and columns practically in the hall. The children had a great time creating arrays as fast as they could. They showed a great understanding of the subject and transferred this to the work that we then did in the classroom. 
We used dough in our maths lessons to learn all about finding a half. We had lots of fun making shapes and dividing them into two equal parts to find a half. 
We then started to learn about halving a quantity. This was a bit harder but we did an amazing job. 
After learning all about halves we started learning about quarters. This was a a bit trickier, but not too tricky for us!
We have also been learning all about doubles. We are great at this and super fast. Why don't you try and catch us out at home?
After all that hard work we have enjoyed our gymnastics lessons in PE. 
Billy Bantam came to school to help us score some goals. We were sponsored by our grown ups at home and had lots of fun. 
In computing we have learned about using QR codes and we used them to research Sikhism ready for our topic this half term. 
We have learned all about Sikhism in our topic lessons. We even had a visitor in school who answered all of our questions and brought in some items linked to Sikhism for us to take a look at.