
Secondary School Applications

Applying for secondary school places 
Please view the power point below to support you with your child's application to secondary schools.  
If you need nay further assistance or information phone lines are open 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday. Alternatively email queries relating to the Y7 application process to secondaryadmissions@bradford.gov.uk.
Unfortunately,  parents can not be seen by the admissions team in person at their office this year, due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Applications for children with EHCPs should be made through the SEN team, not Admissions. Any such children will show with 0 preferences on the Application Count report at present, as the admissions team have not yet been provided with preference information by SEN. Please contact SEN@bradford.gov.uk if you have any queries regarding the application process for a Y6 child who has an EHCP.