We are very much looking forward to working with you this year. The following information will help us to work together to support your child as fully as possible. Your child will soon be bringing home a curriculum overview that will give you some idea of the work we are covering this half-term.
Entry to school on a morning
It is important that children arrive at school on time and we would ask that all children are ready to come into school at 8.30am each day.
Please bear with us at the end of the day, as we see the children out one at a time. The children will finish school at 3pm. Please also let us know if your child is being collected by a different adult.
Water Bottles
Please send your child to school each day with a named water bottle. This should contain plain water only. Children are encouraged to use their water bottles throughout the day.
Home Reading
There will be daily opportunities to change Home Reading. If your child reads with you, please make a short comment in their Reading Record Book. This will enable them to receive a house point and a sticker on their chart. Please read with your child at home as often as possible, daily if you are able. We would ask that you please keep your child’s Reading Record Book in their book bag and send it into school every day.
Reading - In addition to Home Reading, your child will be sent home work to support the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling we are working on in school.
Spelling – Your child will continue to bring home spellings linked to work covered in school that week. There will be a weekly test.
Maths - KIRFs stands for Key Instant Recall Facts. In order to have rapid recall of number facts, your child will be sent home some maths facts to develop fluency. Please practise these with your child as regularly as possible at home. At the end of the half term we will test each child to assess their understanding.
Homework Project
Each half-term the children will have the opportunity to complete a homework project linked to the current curriculum. We have had some amazing projects in the past and hope that as many children as possible will submit a piece of work. There will be prizes! Projects can take the form of a model, a piece of writing, research on the computer or artwork. This half-term we are inviting children to work on a project linked to our topic of Saltaire and Sir Titus Salt. We are hoping to visit Saltaire later this half-term. Please send any completed projects into school from the week beginning 18th October.
PE Kit
Please ensure that your child has their full PE kit in school. Please make sure that all kit is clearly named. PE sessions in Year 2 are as follows:
2S – Indoor Monday morning / Outdoor Friday afternoon
2P – Indoor Wednesday afternoon / Outdoor Friday afternoon
Finally, if there is anything you are unsure of, please come and ask. After school is usually most convenient as mornings can tend to be very busy.
See you all in September!
Miss Preston and Mrs Sheerin