

Key Instant Recall Facts
During maths learning children are required to learn Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFS).  Your child needs to know these facts off by heart and will be learning these maths number facts during maths starters and in lessons.  
Please support your child learning these at home too.
If you need any support please come and ask a member of the Year 1 team.

KIRF 1 - To recite the number names in order to 50 and beyond.

KIRF 2 - To know all number bonds to 5.


Autumn Term Focus
Below you will find two maths number facts to focus on at home with your child during the Autumn term.
You will also find a support sheet with some fun and engaging ways to help and encourage your child with this skill. The top tips are really useful too!
Spring Term Focus
Below you will find two maths number facts to focus on at home with your child during the Spring term.
You will also find a support sheet with some fun and engaging ways to help and encourage your child with this skill. The top tips are really useful too!
Websites to support learning 

White Rose video: Spring 1.2.5 Find and make number bonds. https://vimeo.com/490882337

Funky Mummy - Quick recall of addition, subtraction and multiplication facts (ictgames.com) https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/funkyMummy/index.html

Smoothie Maths  Practise number facts to 10, then 20 (ictgames.com) https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/smoothie/index.html