

Welcome to 3S!
Teacher: Mr. Sidebottom 

Teaching Partner: Mrs. O'Brian

Key information

Entry / exit procedures

It is important that pupils arrive at school on time. We ask that all pupils in Year 3 are ready to come into school at 8:40 am ready for their morning task. 

Please bear with us at the end of the day, 3:10 pm, as we see pupils out. This can be a busy time. Please also let us know if your child is being collected by a different adult or is not going to their usual after school club.


Homework will include daily reading alongside weekly spellings, Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) and Times Table practise. A copy of each  half term's KIRFs can be found below (these will be uploaded over the course of the year). We will provide you with activities to support you with this, typically on a Friday. The homework provided is to support and consolidate pupils’ learning from that week or a previous week. It is used to check understanding of topics covered and helps us identify areas of learning that need further development. If your child needs extra support with their homework, please contact a member of the Year 3 team via the school office. 


Spellings will be handed out to pupils on a Friday and tested the following Friday. Spellings will cover spelling rules and statutory words as outlined in the National Curriculum. You will be advised of this rule when spellings are given each week. It is important that pupils are learning their spellings and we ask that you support your child with this. Pupil’s spelling is taken into account when an overall judgement is given for writing.

Home Reading

In Year 3 children are given daily opportunities to change their reading books and we will be teaching them to be independent enough to identify when they need to do this. We have recently updated the selection of books we have on offer, particularly for Year 3. It is really important that your child reads at least three times a week at home and that this is recorded in their home reading record so they can get a house point and a sticker on their reading chart. We understand that parents/carers live busy lives but any time you can spare to listen to your child read really would be extremely beneficial. Please also ensure that your child brings their home reading book in a book bag rather than a rucksack as we have limited space in the classrooms for storage. Below are some question stems you may find useful  when listening to your child read. 


Indoor PE: this takes place on a Wednesday afternoon. It is important that children have the correct, named kit for this: a white or blue plain t-shirt; black or blue shorts (tracksuit bottoms are also permitted) and black pumps.

Outdoor PE: this takes place on a Monday afternoon. It is important that children have the correct, named kit for this: a white or blue plain t-shirt; black or blue tracksuit bottoms; a plain black or blue sweatshirt and a pair of trainers.

Mr Simmons, our Sports Coach, will lead one session and your child's class teacher will lead the other. 

Water Bottles

To enable your child to have a drink of water, we would encourage a named water bottle be brought into school. Try to ensure your child’s bottle is of the non-spill variety. Bottles should be labelled with your child's name and taken home daily to be cleaned.


Please ensure that your child has the correct uniform (named so that it can be easily returned if lost), including black school shoes (not trainers). If your child does not have black school shoes, they will be given black pumps to wear throughout the day. From this year, pupils are also required to wear a school tie. 

School Councillor

Our School Councillor, elected by  pupils, is Ceejay! Ceejay will represent our class at School Council meetings.