
Spring 1

Physical Education 
Indoor PE - Dance
Outdoor PE - Invasion games
Outdoor PE - Invasion games
Learning objectives:
  • Recap attacking skills from autumn term.
  • Applying the appropriate attacking skills in the correct game situations
Indoor PE - Dance
Learning Objectives:
  • Introduction to dance.
  • Learning to count in beats of 8 whilst moving in a fluent and expressive manner to the 'Waka Waka' dance.
Outdoor PE - Invasion games
Learning Objectives:
  • To select players most suited to attacking and defending roles. 
  • Uphold the spirit of fair play and respect in all competitive situations.
For year 6, throughout this term, we are trying to see how different attacking and defending skills are transferable across different types of invasion games. 
Indoor PE - Dance
Learning Objectives:
  • Display high energy to match the mood, feeling, and tempo of a song.
  • Begin to perform and create complex sequences for a new song.
Outdoor PE - Invasion games
Learning objectives:
  • To select and apply tactics with the aim of causing problems for the opposition, in attacking and defending situations.
  • Continuing to uphold the spirit of fair play and respect in all game situations.
Indoor PE - Dance
Learning objectives:
  • Apply complex movements that combine strength and stamina using movements from gymnastics.
  • To compose creative and imaginative dance sequences.
LO: Identify the structures of a range of website
LO: I can explain how to manage passwords ie safe storage, different passwords, what to do if they are lost, stolen or shared
LO: Develop and embed the skill of making impressions of characters, events and themes

LO: Identify the position and significance of latitude, longitude, Equator, the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.

LO:  Identify statements that can be used to summarise texts
LO: know how to mix appropriate colours to create a suitable pallet 
LO: know how to use a wide range of techniques in your work including texture through paint mix or brush techniques.